Monday, November 15, 2010

December Reading

Tis the season to be jolly,
fa la la la la, la la la , laaaaaaa

Since November's reading was a total Opt-Out, Sarah and I have chosen to go ahead and choose a new book. Perhaps something a little more fun. We based the selection on the season - yes, the Christmas season, and therefore, we are going with one of my all time favorite movies - Christmas with the Kranks - but the book --- Skipping Christmas, by J. Grisham!!

Happy holidays and Happy Reading!!

Join us in Mid-December for the reviews!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Imperfectionists Review (or Not)

I started to read The Imperfectionists by Tom Rachman, and then stopped.

I was not intrigued. Granted, I only got through the first chapter, and then quit due to life issues (i.e. the start of a new job). Therefore, I'm not going to review this book.

~ Sarah, what's your excuse? ~ hehe